Towards a Feminist Tech Policy
To build just and inclusive digital futures it needs a holistic view of digitalization. A Feminist Tech Policy sheds light on power structures, injustices and the environmental aspects of technology. It questions current innovation narratives and examines the value of maintenance, accessibility, openness and care for the digital societies of the future. A feminist approach helps to think and see beyond existing stories and structures.
Together with activists, educators, writers, technologists and designers SUPERRR Lab has developed a set of Feminist Tech Principles and a Feminist Tech Card Deck. These elements are the first step towards the development of a Feminist Tech Policy that can be used by policy makers, non-profits and other actors. In the upcoming months of the year 2022 we will work on developing the Feminist Tech Policy further. Enjoy this website and stay tuned for more.
»Right now, big tech is shaping what our future technologies look like and how we imagine them. And because we have become so dependent on their products, our reliance upon their visions is closing down avenues for alternative futures.« — Fieke Jansen & Michelle Thorne
The Feminist Tech Card Deck
This card deck is designed to help players engage in discussions about feminist tech in a fun way while drawing upon their own experiences and visions.
The Feminist Tech Principles
The Feminist Tech principles are a set of guidelines for tech policy-making and technology creation. They are intended as a responsive work-in-progress that reflect the evolving nature of our digital world. The principles were drafted in a collaborative process between the team at SUPERRR Lab and a group of activists, policymakers, writers, designers, technologists, researchers and educators, that advocate for digital rights and the rights of marginalised groups.
These principles take a critical lens to tech, observing and addressing the power structures behind the creation, regulation and use of technology, and offering a framework for creating new, emancipatory structures.
Each principle is supported by a brief overview on why we think the principle is necessary, and a good practice example of people or organizations who are already working on this topic in a feminist way.
The Feminist Tech Vision
To make the Feminist Tech Principles more tangible and accessible to a wider audience, our contributors and us turn to storytelling by developing a set of future narratives. They aim to envision more just technological futures based on selected Principles.
The Contributors
To create the feminist tech principles, visions and the card deck, Superrr Lab collaborated with a group of feminist activists, policymakers, writers, designers, technologists and researchers.